Recent Awards

I’m honored to receive these two awards:

Bob Allison IMG_0118

I’ve been surrounded by great and helpful people all of my career. There’s too many to mention in this post and as I accepted these awards I have to tell each of you that I was unable to accept them as mine alone. Each award includes the tremendous number of other leaders who helped shape my work, deepen my understanding of the importance of quality relationships and support me through my weaknesses while celebrating my strengths.

The Bob Allison Memorial Award

The award, which honours Canadian education leaders, is presented by the Education Team at Microsoft Canada. It is awarded usually only to one recipient. This year was an exception as two recipients were named.

The Alberta Technology Leaders in Education Award

The Pillar Award is usually provided to only one recipient in Alberta. This year’s award was also an exception and I shared the honors with my good friend and colleague Todd Kennedy. The Award honors outstanding contribution to supporting the convergence of Leadership, Education and Technology in the Province of Alberta.