Welcome Everyone…
- Take a moment to celebrate that you are here! You’re an integral and important part of a PLC.
- Here’s a link to the Google Folder where we’ll keep all of the stuff… Once I have your gmail address you’ll find this link no longer works. If you go to your Google Drive you will find it under “shared with me.” But not to worry… I’ll send you an email with the direct link.
- Direct Links
Session 1
Session 2 – Optional and online
Well! For those of you attending our upcoming and optional online session, I’m looking forward to reconnecting. The session will be short and sweet. It’s an experiment with Google On Air and a chance to test our collaborative online environment.
My intent is to brainstorm on how we might engage with each other so that we create relationships to build this group into a great Professional Learning Community that shares ideas and supports each others’ work.
Looking forward to that connect.
Here’s a few things I’m looking at to share in our work: