Purposeful Planning


  1. Review of Available Resources
    1. Building a Learning Commons
    2. Canadian Library Association – Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada
  2. The Two Big Factors
    1. The PLC  – Creating a Post
    2. Assessment
      1. Rubric
      2. CLA – SOPLeading Learning Resource 3
  3. Change Management

Today’s Work

  1. Self Reflection – What’s different in your space since taking this course?
    1. Consider conversations, relationships with other librarians, your space, invitation to community, how kids are using it…
  2. Reviewing your baseline
    1. Where were you in each of the areas – complete the polls in the online community
    2. Use a Google Hangout
      1. Need a facilitator (who knows how?)
      2. Create the hangout and share the link on the chat
      3. Take 15 minutes (5 minutes each)
    3. in groups of 3 discuss
      1. your challenges
      2. your successes
      3. what you will do before summer record this as a post…
  3. C’mon Back
    1. View the poll outcomes
    2. Facilitators highlight the main points of the conversation
  4. Building your plan
    1. Mini-tutorial – Google Docs…
      1. Signing into Chrome
      2. http://Drive.google.com 
      3. Folders, Recent Files, Colors and Sharing
    2. Be sure you have logged into your Google Account
    3. Open the following Document and Make a Copy
    4. Let’s work through the document together
      1. Volunteer
      2. Facilitation
      3. Personal Process

Bold Steps

  1. Meet with your admin
    1. Awareness –> Understanding
    2. Draft of your plan
    3. Request for funding

What are your bold steps??

Wrap up

Next Session